1. “生活拮据困苦”
on a shoestring 困苦地(度日)
关键词 shoestring n. 鞋带、小额资本
I have been living on a shoestring ever since I moved out of my parents’ house.
live hand to mouth 生活仅能糊口
关键词 live v. 生活 / hand n. 手 / mouth n. 口、嘴巴
You will never want to live hand to mouth like I did.
in rags 衣衫褴褛
关键词 rag n. 碎片、破布
I don’t give any money to the people in rags now.
without a rag 身无分文
The girl was without a rag a month after she left home.
worn out at the elbow 衣衫褴褛
关键词 elbow n. 肘部
My father always wears that worn out at the elbow sweater.
2. “方便”
facilitate sth 给予……方便
关键词 facilitate v. 使方便
This change will facilitate our work.
拓展用语 with facility 容易、流利
The new process makes everything work with facility.
be convenient for 便于
关键词 convenient a. 方便的、便利的
Will it be convenient for you if I come over for a visit Saturday?
拓展用语 make it convenient to do 使之方便去做
The new design of the store makes it more convenient for people to shop.
3. 讨论吃什么
I can eat a cow.
也可以说 I’m ravenous. 我饿得慌。(ravenous [ˈrævənəs] 饿极了的)
进一步说 I’m starving. When do we eat? 我实在太饿了,什么时候吃饭啊?
What’s for supper?
也可以说成 What do you want for supper? 你晚餐想吃什么?
进一步说 I can treat you to dinner. 我可以请你吃晚饭。
How about buying some meat from the butcher’s and cook for you?
A:’s and cook for you? 到肉店去买点肉做给你吃怎么样?
B:’ll go with you. 听起来不错。等我一会儿,我跟你一起去。
【小贴士】“肉店”可以说butcher’s shop或是the butcher’s,第二种说法注意要加the。
Do you care for some dessert?
也可以简单说成 How about some dessert/soup? 来点甜点/汤怎么样?
也可以这样问 Do you want some soup? 你要喝汤吗?
进一步说 You must try these cakes. They can’t be better! 你一定要尝一尝这些蛋糕,真是太美味了!
Have you got anything to eat?
I have left some French toast for you in the refrigerator. 我在冰箱里给你留了些法式吐司。
I want to grab something to eat.
也可以这样说 We can get a bite to eat. 我们可以随便吃点东西。
She got lost and sent text messages to three friends. The first said, pay attention to safety.
The second said, do you need me to pick you up? He suddenly felt much warmer.
But the third friend didn't reply,
Just when disappointed,
Receiving text messages is the third,
Just a few words,
Come out, I'll wait for you at the intersection,
Please cherish those who don't play with their mouth,
Because it's better to be true than to be perfect,
Whether life, love or friendship,
All need a person who can do, not just say, cherish the people around you who do what they say for you, not the people who draw cakes for you!
the kids were over the moon. 孩子兴奋之极
One time when my friends first immigrated to US, I posted on a local FaceBook group asking for help. Among many, many messages offering help, one woman - her name was Debbie - told me she has a little bit of bread and milk but I would have to come and get it. So, I drove to her home. I walk in and her entire spacious living room is filled with food - boxes and boxes of meats, bread, eggs, fruits, cakes, even flowers. After I picked my jaw off the floor, she told me to help myself and get as much food as I need. She helped me fill the trunk of my car with food. It turned out she worked with local grocery stores where instead of throwing away food that was perfectly fine but didn’t sell right away, they would donate it to people in need. It’s usually the most expensive and organic food, too!After that and for several more months, Debbie kept giving us food. Sometimes when I come across another family in need, I would get food for them from her too. She would even drive it to their homes when they didn’t have a car. One day I asked her: “Debbie, why did you say that you have ‘a little bit of milk’ when you have a huge amount of food?” She told me that she only wants to help people who are truly in so much need, they would come over for just milk and bread.For my friends’ first Christmas, Debbie went out and got them boxes and boxes of presents, for each family member. I got them a tree and decorations. They were super surprised, as they are Muslims and don’t celebrate Christmas. But the kids were over the moon.Eventually, we became friends. Aside from helping people, Debbie also fosters kids from abusive homes. She loves them and takes care of them better than I take care of my own kids, despite their emotional and behavioral issues. And despite the state occasionally taking the kids back to original parents until they get discarded again, thereby ripping her heart up in a thousand pieces.
learn 和study均为动词,是我们书面和口语中常用的单词。下面就其使用注意点进行分析。
learn的意思是“学习,学,学会”,侧重于学习的结果,指通过他人教授和自己练习或者是从经验当中获得知识和技巧。表示“向……学习”时只能用learn from,不能用study。但是做“学习”讲的时候,这两个词可以互换使用。比如:
How did you learn to bake cakes? 你是怎么学会烤蛋糕的?How many English words have you learned?你学了多少英语单词?We are learning English.我们在学习英语。这句话的learn也可以换成study。
What can we learn from the artist? 我们能从这位艺术家身上学到什么?What can the young learn from older people?年轻人能从老年人那里学到什么?
Kids would rather play than study.孩子们宁愿玩而不愿学习。She's got into Peking University to study law.她被录取到北京大学学习法律。It's important to study hard, but don't overdo it.刻苦学习很重要,但不要超过极限。These proposals deserve careful study.这些建议值得认真研究。
1. within和in接时间时的区别
a)当表示“在一段时间之内”时,within和in用法相同,within + 一段时间 = in + 一段时间。
I think I can finish the work in ten minutes.
= I think I can finish the work within ten minutes.
b) “in + 一段时间”还能表示“在一段时间之后”,相当于“一段时间 + later”;但within不能。
I'll be back within two minutes.(X)
I'll be back in two minutes.
= I'll be back two minutes later.
2. appetizer[`æpɪtaɪzə] n.开胃菜
appetizing [`æpɪtaɪzɪŋ] adj.引起食欲的
The full three-course meal is made up of appetizer, main course, and dessert.
* main course 主菜
* dessert [dɪ`zət] n.甜点
3. be out of this world 好极了
I've got to hand it to you. You're a great cook. This meal is out of this world.
* have got to hand it to sb 得佩服某人
4. recommend[ˌrεkə`mεnd] vt.推荐
recommendation [ˌrεkəmεn`deʃən] n.推荐
recommend sth to sb 推荐某物给某人
on sb's recommendation 按照某人推荐
Could you recommend some good restaurants? I just moved here.
We chose a restaurant that serves decent food at reasonable prices on my friend's recommendation.
* decent [`disnt] adj.体面的
5. go with sth 搭配某物
I suggest that you order white wine to go with your seafood.
6. be torn between A and B 在A和B之间左右为难
Everything looks so delicious on the menu. I'm torn between the lobster and steak.
7. be choosy about… 对……很挑剔
= be picky about…
= be particular about…
= be fussy about…
I'm not very particular about food, while my brother is a gourmet.
* gourmet [`gʊrme] n.美食家
8. I have a sweet tooth. 我爱吃甜食。
= I'm into sweets.
I have a sweet tooth. That's why I can't resist the temptation of chocolate cakes.
* resist [rɪ`zɪst] vt.抵抗
* temptation [tεmp`teʃən] n.诱惑