[比心]Perfectionism is really a bad thing in language learning.
[比心]Because language is a (means of communication).
[比心]It's a way to get to know new people and new cultures.
#代码小工蚁每天学英语# #英语句子# #我要上头条#
What are the goals and objectives of English language learning?英语语言学习的目标和宗旨是什么?
The overall aim of English language teaching described in 2011 English Curriculum Standards is to cultivate students' comprehensive language capability.This comprehensive language capability is based on students' language knowledge and skills,affects,learning strategies,and cultural awareness.These five aspects together promote students' language capability.
1.The four language skills are listening,speaking,reading,and writing.
2.Language knowledge includes phonetics,vocabulary,grammar,functions,and topics.
3.Affects are international perspectives,patriotism,cooperation,confidence,and motivation.
4.learning strategies include cognitive strategy,self-management,communicative strategy,and resourcing.
5.Cultural awareness includes cultural knowledge,cultural understanding,and trans-cultural awareness.
Learning a new language is like growing a new muscle. It builds the brain in complex ways and helps you see the world in new ways.
Learning languages is something that makes people feel more powerful, the key to open new doors.
Language learning doesn't have to be hard. It can be fun when you practice conversation with natives who are also looking to expand their language skills.
2. 读英文书可以培养用英语思维的习惯-- 坚持!
Reading is an exercise in language learning.
Reading English novels will help improve your vocabulary, general understanding
and in some cases it may even give you more knowledge into different countries
and their cultures. You also get to move at your own pace. While reading a book,
you can read as slowly or as quickly as you desire. If you did not understand
something, simply look at the paragraph again.
#IJCAI 2020# 论文推荐:
论文名称:Overcoming Language Priors with Self-supervised Learning for Visual Question Answering
论文链接:Overcoming Language Priors with Self-supervised Learning for...
推荐理由:由固有的数据偏差, 大多数视觉问题回答(Visual Question Answering , VQA)模型都受到语言先验问题的困扰。具体来说,VQA模型倾向于根据高频答案(例如,黄色)来回答问题(例如,香蕉是什么颜色的),而忽略图像内容。现有方法通过创建精巧的模型或引入额外的视觉注释来解决这类问题依赖性,同时加强图像依赖性。然而,因为数据偏差没有得到缓解,它们仍然受到语言先验问题的影响。本文引入了一个自监督学习框架来解决上述问题。具体来说,作者首先通过自动生成标签数据来平衡有偏差的数据,并提出一个自监督辅助任务,利用平衡数据来辅助基础VQA模型克服语言先验。该方法能够在不引入外部标注的情况下,通过生成平衡数据来补偿数据偏差。
会议链接:IJCAI2020-学术会议 - AMiner
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According to this view, learning consists of selecting, from a large set of expressions in the language of thought, the one that best fits the data. We will soon see that this is an excellent model of what children do. Like budding scientists, they formulate theories and compare them with the outside world. This implies that children's mental representations are much more structured than those of present- day artifcial neural networks. From birth, the child's brain must already possess two key ingredients: all the machinery that makes it possible to generate a plethora of abstract formulas (a combinatorial language of thought) and the ability to choose from these formulas wisely,according to their plausibility given the data.
Such is the new vision of the brain:" an immense generative model, massively structured and capable of producing myriad hypothetical rules and structures -but which gradually restricts itself to those that fit with reality.
This sad story illustrates the limits of brain plasticity. Learning a language is obviously based on the immense plasticity of the infant's brain. Any baby is capable of learning any language of the world, from the tones in Chinese to the clicks in Bantu of South Africa, because its brain changes adequately in response to immersion in a particular community. However, this plasticity is neither infinite nor magical: it is a strictly material process that requires specific nutritional and energetic inputs, and even a few weeks of deprivation can lead to permanent deficits. And because the organization of the brain is highly modular, these deficits may be restricted to a specific cognitive domain, such as grammar or vocabulary. The pediatric literature is full of similar examples. I could have mentioned, for instance, fetal alcohol syndrome, which is caused by exposure of the fetus to alcohol ingested by the mother. Alcohol is a teratogen, a substance that causes embryonic malformations of the body and brain: it is a true poison for the developing nervous system, one that should clearly be avoided throughout pregnancy. For dendritic trees to thrive, the garden of the brain must be provided with all the nutrients it needs.